
Meeting Minutes – September

Ruthwell and Clarencefield Community Council > News > Minutes > Meeting Minutes – September

Minutes of the meeting of the Ruthwell & Clarencefield Community Council

Tuesday 7th September 2021 @ 7.30 p.m.


Les JardineDeputy ChairmanJoan Dodd
David StainthorpeTreasurerjake Lundy
Sue GilbertSecretary


Iain Carson, David Goldie, Kay Kingstone


  1. Welcome & apologies for absence
    • Les Jardine welcomed those present and noted the apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of the previous meeting
    • The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated; they were noted as a true record.
  3. Any matters requiring Community Council action reported from the Parish
    • The issue of potholes, raised at the previous meeting, and the issue of the Brow Well bridge replacement had both been reported again to the Council at the time of the meeting with no response.  It was agreed that the schedule of outstanding works should be passed to the local councillors for their intervention.
      • Action – SG
    • There was also concern expressed regarding the deteriorating condition of the road surface at Roxburghe Road, it was agreed that this would be included in the report to the councillors.
  4. Bridge Sub-Group feedback
    • Although David Goldie was not present at the meeting, he had reported that the concrete panels for the bridge had now been delivered and Dick Wardaugh would be arranging a working party for their installation.
  5. Police Report
    • Although there was no police officer present, a report had been submitted which noted that there had been a theft of a caravan from a driveway in Ruthwell on Monday 6th September; the police had asked anyone who had noted unknown vehicles or persons to contact them.
  6. Treasurer’s Report
    • David noted that the balance currently held at the bank was £3,645.41 and that an amount of cash was still to be deposited; there are also 2 years Minsca back payments to be drawn down.  A donation of £5 had been received for the Savings Bank Museum fund.
  7. Secretary’s Report
    • The calendars had now been received from the printers and a copy was available at the meeting; it was noted that a number of orders had already been received. A brief discussion took place regarding a memorial to Fergus Sword and a number of suggestions were made; a metal art design, bench at the bowling green, a community cup in the name of Fergus.   It was agreed that, as David Goldie was not present at the meeting, that this would be discussed further in November.
    • Sue noted that there was current a problem with the Community Council printer; contact had been made with Merlin Ltd in Dumfries who could undertake a service of the machine but they felt that the fuser would need replacement at a cost of £300 plus vat; a new drum and toner had already been fitted but this had not resolved the issue.   The meeting agreed that a new machine should be purchased at a cost of £314.39 which included the cost of a similar replacement machine plus a full size toner cartridge, it was also agreed that an A3 inkjet printer should be purchased to enable the printing of larger items such as posters.
      • Action – SG
    • Rev. Moule had indicated he would be available to undertake the Rembrance Service in November so the wreath would be purchased. It was also proposed asking Roy Broatch to undertake the wreath lying in view of the fact that his father had been present at the inauguration of the memorial in 1921; this was agreed by all present.
      • Action – LJ
    • It was proposed that some money from the Minsca funding should be directed at the refurbishing of the Telephone Box by way of painting, replacing defective glass panels, and tidying up the interior of the box.  This was agreed and Sue would obtain costs for this work.
      • Action – SG
    • A new Mother & Baby group had been established in the parish meeting once a week in the hall, they had made application for some “start up” funding for toys, etc. The meeting agreed to a sum of £250 to be made available to the group.
    • The meeting dates for 2022 had been noted on the Agenda for the meeting and these were approved.
  8. Councillors’ Report
    • There was no Councillors report.
  9. Savings Banks Museum
    • Les updated the meeting on the Working Group & TSB meetings noting that these had been mainly information gathering and assessing the condition of the building and inventory of the museum. It had also been agreed at their last meeting that it was now appropriate for a Community Working Group to be set up, this would be set the tasks of agreeing the type of organisation to be formed to run the museum and setting out a 3 year business plan for the museum.   The first meeting of this group would take place on Monday 27th September.
    • The meeting also agreed to set aside the sum of £500 to be made available as draw down funding for the steering group. It was also agreed that David Stainthorpe would talk to the Farm Owner, Jim Broatch, regarding general drainage problems within the village.
      • Action – DS
  10. Any other business
    • David raised the issue of the future of the Evergreens Party, in view of the 2021 event being cancelled.  It was felt that perhaps it was time to review this event in general and perhaps consider another event taking its place that would involve more of the community, it was agreed to place an item in the next Newsletter for ideas on this proposal. David also noted that the footpath hedging to the field was very overgrown and in places not passable, this would be reported to the Council
      • Action – SG

Date of next meeting;

Tuesday 2nd November 2021 @ 7.30 p.m. McFarlan Hall

Meeting Dates 2022 –

11th January, 8th March, 10th May, 5th July, 6th September (AGM), 8th November